Divyansh Sehgal

Divyansh Sehgal

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Divyansh Sehgal

Global Innovation Index, 2021

Global Innovation Index (GII) ranks countries as per their success and capacity in innovation[1]. The GII has been published every year since its inception in 2007 by the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) in partnership with Cornell University, INSEAD business school, and other organizations and institutions. It has shaped...

Divyansh Sehgal

Crime Rates in India

Under the Constitution of India, police are governed by State Governments. States have modelled their laws based on central law, i.e., Police Act, 1861. State police are divided into two parts, namely, civil and armed forces. The civil force is responsible for regular law and order and crime control...

Divyansh Sehgal

Disney Marvel could lose ownership rights of their Characters!!

Marvel Studios, becoming a legal firm from being a blockbuster entertainment conglomerate, is underway. Marvel is filing a series of cases against numerous Marvel comics figures, that includes the heirs of Stan Lee and Steve Ditko (American book writers, editors, publishers, and producers, known for Marvel Comics), claiming complete ownership...

Divyansh Sehgal

Doping in Sports

Doping, as a global problem, is considered an ethical and moral wrong. Doping is a way to enhance body performance by taking performance-enhancing drugs that can transport more oxygen to muscles. Doping has a direct impact on sports events and the health of sportspersons. It is mainly used to enhance...

Divyansh Sehgal
Abhilasha Semwal

Implementation of Force Majeure Clause during COVID-19 Pandemic

Abstract In these unprecedented times, where the globe is struggling with the COVID-19 pandemic, businesses around the world are witnessing their worst losses, some even looking at bankruptcies. The COVID-19 pandemics have brought the economies around the globe to a halt, like the earlier disruptions to the economy such as...

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