Divyansh Sehgal

Divyansh Sehgal

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Divyansh Sehgal

Intellectual Property and Artificial Intelligence

Executive Summary Artificial Intelligence (AI) has emerged as a general-purpose technology with widespread applications throughout the society and economy. It has a crucial impact on trade worldwide and patterns i.e., creation, distribution, production of goods and services. Artificial Intelligence interconnects Intellectual Property (IP) in numerous places, since one of...

Divyansh Sehgal

Intellectual Property in the World of E-sports

Abstract The COVID-19 pandemic has brought traditional sports around the world to a standstill. A void has emerged in which the interest of the world has intensified in E-sports. In this paper, the author has attempted to explain the connection between Intellectual Property Rights and E-sports by explaining different intellectual...

Divyansh Sehgal

Copyright Challenges in Digital Era

Overview Copyright or author right is an exclusive right of the creator of the original work. The digital era safeguards creative and cultural products, including music, videos, films, books, software codes, databases, and online curated content. According to the Indian Copyright Act of 1957, copyright does not need to be...

Divyansh Sehgal

IP- A business Asset for SMEs

Executive Summary SMEs are the backbone of the economy, and globalization, it is believed, has fueled competitiveness in the global market. SMEs play a vital role in the countries overall production network as well as economic growth. Developed countries have historically succeeded because they focused on SMEs and innovation. Making...

Divyansh Sehgal

Intellectual Property and Sustainable Development Goals

AbstractOur developed, developing and interconnected populations need novel ways to establish many social, economic and environmental challenges ascertained by UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Innovation is one of the solutions that will assist us in rethinking how to overcome hunger, poverty, how to combat climate change, how to provide access...

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