

Climate Change: The Global Issue Rising global temperatures are fuelling devastating extreme weather events throughout the world. It is therefore important to understand how the climate is changing and what we can do for its adaptation and mitigation. We make efforts to look at the problems of climate change (rise in temperature, heatwaves, urban heat islands, carbon emissions, air pollution) through our research and share our outputs in the form of infographics, reports and research papers.

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Deepak Singh

Cold waves in India

Extreme weather events such as thunderstorms, heavy rains, heatwave, cold wave, cyclone, floods, and drought have a significant impact on the environment. A cold wave is a prolonged period of freezing weather in which a sudden invasion of frigid air over a vast area takes place. Cold waves are most...

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Climate Shocks, Food & Fodder Security - Role of Agrobiodiversity in Drylands

Agrobiodiversity in drylands has unquestionably played a crucial role in ensuring food and fodder security, as well as increasing dryland tolerance to climatic shocks. However, due to climate change caused by global warming as well as anthropogenic factors such as habitat destruction, high grazing/browsing pressure, unsustainable exploitation of natural...

Bhupesh Upadhyay

Climate Change and Innovation Technology: A Review

This abstract is based on the paper entitled, "Climate Change and Innovation Technology: A Review" by Wilson Nwankwo, Kingsley E. Ukhurebor and Uyiosa Osagie Aigbe. Climate change poses the most significant environmental threat, affecting agricultural activities and other human endeavours around the world. The impact of climate change is more...

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