Climate Change, Global Warming and Global Inequity in Developed and Developing Countries

Climate Change, Global Warming and Global Inequity in Developed and Developing Countries
Photo by Li-An Lim / Unsplash

This abstract is based on the research paper entitled, "Climate Change, Global Warming and Global Inequity in Developed and Developing Countries (Analytical Perspective, Issue, Problem and Solution)" by A. S. Wijaya.

Climate change is becoming a new challenge that is a priority concern for various stakeholders. Human activities are the major cause of climate change and have significant social, economic, and environmental implications. These effects are unevenly distributed across geographic, social, and generational boundaries.

Climate change has a greater impact on developing countries than on developed countries. Its impact can be seen in the environmental damage caused by climate change. This is more significant in development than in developed countries. Developing countries have limitations and inadequate financial resources compared to developed countries. Lack of funding resources, human resources, and technology in agricultural yield have been contributing to sustainable agricultural activities in developing countries. Most of the developed countries have better capabilities to protect agricultural production from the effects of climate change. This shows an imbalance between developed and developing countries that exists not only in some areas, such as agriculture but also in other areas, such as the management of natural resources to adapt to climate change. However, developed countries can support developing countries through international cooperation. There are International Development Agencies like USAID and AUSAID, which have programs for climate change projects in some developing countries.

Developing nations are more vulnerable to climate change due to their reliance heavily on climate-reliant activities, mainly farming. Developed nations become rich nations by exploring and utilizing more energy in their industrial activities, which is also higher than developing nations. This can be claimed as a hegemony of developed nations toward developing countries. Additionally, this condition discriminates against developing countries, especially in the international carbon trading system, because the developing countries become the emission filter for the greenhouses gases that developed countries produce excessively. The 1996 Kyoto Protocol has already recommended that developed countries commit to mitigating climate change, particularly to reduce carbon emissions. Most developing countries are intensely vulnerable and affected by climate change due to their population, dynamic profit, natural resources, poor condition, and land decline.

Developed countries should give financial assistance to developing countries in dealing with climate change, especially on community livelihood, such as agriculture or aquaculture. In addition, developed countries can empower human resources in developing countries through training and courses on climate protection and adaptation to climate change. Professional climatologists from developed countries could share their knowledge and experiences with scientists in developing countries through cooperation in educational development. Developed countries can also provide assistive technologies for climate research to developing countries.