Satyabrata Sahoo

Satyabrata Sahoo

A Data Scientist with a passion for learning and implementing new machine learning techniques. Having 3+ years of relevant experience and a total of 10+ years in executing data-driven solutions.

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Bhupesh Upadhyay
Satyabrata Sahoo

IP Wave - The landscape of Indian languages & Internet !

There is no doubt that there is a huge linguistic diversity in India. This is reflected in the way Indians speak with each other, and the many languages we often use interchangeably during the day. However, do we use the range of linguistic diversity in the start up and innovation space?

Satyabrata Sahoo

Inferential Statistics in Data Science Part II

In our previous article titled “Inferential Statistics in Data Science”, we have discussed different sampling schemas and point estimation in inferential statistics. So far, we have determined the results associated with individual observations or sample means when the actual population parameters are known. In reality, the true population parameters are...

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