Aurko Chakrabarti

Aurko Chakrabarti

An independent young mind, he is an avid reader, who occasionally dabbles in writing himself. he lives by the philosophy that 'never laugh at others till you can learn to laugh at yourself'.

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Aurko Chakrabarti

The West Wing- Vision Of Sorkin

This piece by Aurko Chakrabarti takes a look at The West Wing which is a political drama that pushed the boundaries of storytelling on the television and has a strong cultural influence having inspired many television shows based in political settings of different varieties.

Aurko Chakrabarti

The Sopranos (Social Commentary)

Aurko in his piece aims to delve into how The Sopranos became a representation for middle-class life in the United States. The show was lauded for its realistic depiction of the contemporary American society at the time and it paved the way for a new kind of viewing experience.

Aurko Chakrabarti

Social Commentary of The Wire

This essay will discuss how American television production (The Wire) reflects society. The show impacted how modern audiences view the medium of television.

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