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Z: Deciphering a symbol of war-mongering through behavioural lens

Can Symbols affect behaviour? This newsletter highlights how language is inherently political and carries historical connotations that can influence human interactions. Words and symbols have both a denotative meaning and a set of connotations based on their usage history.

Khushi Kesari

News has a design problem.

The problem is news has a design problem, bad design is a function of the broken news ecosystem. Now more than ever, we need further research to understand why the events of the past few years have significantly impacted the lives of people across the world.

Sanrachna Foundation

Does banning plastic work?

This week TBR talks about the intricate pathway through which plastic ends up in waste and beyond is an unusual public policy problem. It affects around 2.2 Billion people living around the coastline, and the ramification from health, to ecological conservation are staggering.

Sanrachna Foundation

TBR This Week: New Year Resolutions

As this year comes to a close, it is time to reflect and make resolutions for positive change next year. That got me thinking about the new-year resolutions, they are fascinating and not entirely a creation of the modern world (something I learnt recently).

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