How secure are you Online?
This paper comprises of why protection of personal data privacy should be looked upon as a matter of concern. This paper also focuses on the Indian legislations which protects or safeguards data in India. Our personal data is dear to us all and people live their lives in the public domain via social media which also includes posting photos of themselves, or what food they ate or sometimes even expressing feelings for the loved once, but there are somethings which rather not shared to the world. Privacy has evolved over the years after humans made new technologies. Aadhaar would be a great example to think, of as it uses data in everything we do. Even though it made people’s life easier who were interested in availing services from the government, but the concern is about that private data which is being misused that too without the consent of the data principal1 . Privacy concerns while using the internet are of utmost importance as people share more and more data online than ever before which ends up often sharing billions of points of personal information which may include phone records, credit/debit card transactions, GPS tracking, mobile phones and the list keeps on growing. Privacy is a serious matter of concern as internet users or users online are increasing every day. An estimate of around 4.1 billion people were using the internet in 2019 who had a 5.3%increase as compared to the last year. The global internet penetration rate increased from nearly 17% in 2005 to over 53% in 2019.
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