Can gaming be good for the youth?

In addition, playing video games is linked to teen obesity, and if adults were researched, the same results might be found. This is due to the well-known fact that teenagers who spend several hours a day in front of screens aren't getting any exercise.

Can gaming be good for the youth?


For many years, playing video games has been a common form of entertainment. With the advent of gaming consoles, it has become even more popular and engaging. It is impossible to dispute the influence that gaming consoles like the PlayStation and Xbox have had on today's youth. This essay will examine the effects of gaming consoles on young people, both positive and negative.

Positive Effects of Gaming Consoles on Youth

In many ways, gaming consoles are good for kids and teens. First of all, they are a fun and interactive way to kill time. With so many games to choose from, there is something for everyone, from action-packed shooters to puzzle games that make you think.

People can also communicate with each other via gaming consoles. Many games have online multiplayer modes that let people from all over the world play together. This can help people make friends and have a sense of connection to a group as they work together to reach common goals and solve problems.

Also, gaming consoles can help improve cognitive skills like solving problems, thinking about space, and making decisions. Some games, like strategy games, require players to think critically and come up with creative solutions to hard problems. This can help you learn important skills that you can use in the real world. Playing video games, in the opinion of many psychologists and scientists, has some advantages, especially in terms of fostering higher-level and abstract thinking abilities.

Similar to how the brain changes when someone learns to play the piano or read a map, playing video games causes physical changes in the brain. Like a muscle, the brain can be strengthened through exercise. Playing video games helps to strengthen neural circuits by causing neurotransmitter surges and concentration, which gives the brain a real workout.

A study conducted in 2020 showed that video games can indeed have a positive effect on the youth. While another study was conducted in the same year to determine the impact of video games on students' literacy levels in school. According to the study, young individuals can improve their literacy abilities, creativity, and empathy. Children who participated in the poll reported reading a lot of material about video games, including books, reviews, blogs, in-game chats, and fan fiction, according to 79% of them. Also, 35% believed that playing video games improved their reading ability. According to the study, playing video games can increase children's creativity. 63% of the young people polled claimed to generate content for video games, such as screenplays, advice for other players, and reviews. 58% of respondents stated they would be interested in creating their own video games, and 33% said they would want to have more opportunities to read and write about video games in the classroom. According to the study, playing video games can improve young people's ability to relate to others, with 65% of participants reporting that playing games helped them envisage themselves in different situations. 76% of people who participated in the study discuss gaming with their friends, which can promote stronger interpersonal bonds. Additionally, playing video games has improved the mental health of those surveyed. Many teenagers believed that playing video games made it easier for them to handle stressful situations and negative emotions.

Negative Effects of Gaming Consoles on Youth

While gaming consoles have many positive effects on youth, they can also have negative effects. One of the most significant negative effects is the potential for addiction. Gaming addiction is a real phenomenon, and it can lead to a variety of negative consequences such as poor academic performance, social isolation, and physical health problems.

Further research is required to determine the validity and intensity of the links between gaming and sleep disorders like insomnia, circadian rhythm abnormalities, depression, aggressiveness, and anxiety. Concerns have also been raised about how playing violent video games may desensitise teenagers and young adults to such violence, which could result in emotional issues or even violent behaviour on the part of young people.

In addition, playing video games is linked to teen obesity, and if adults were researched, the same results might be found. This is due to the well-known fact that teenagers who spend several hours a day in front of screens aren't getting any exercise. Increased food consumption when playing video games is another factor suggested to contribute to obesity. A single session of playing video games among healthy male teenagers is linked to higher food consumption, regardless of appetite symptoms, according to a study published in the Journal of Clinical Nutrition. According to the postulated theories, either playing video games causes mental stress that stimulates the reward centres, which results in increased food intake, or the signals that indicate satiety (fullness) become disrupted. Gamers also frequently complain about vision issues. The most typical issue with vision is eye strain, which can result in headaches and impaired focus. Seizures have been linked to gaming, prompting warnings on the package.

Another negative effect of gaming consoles is the potential for exposure to inappropriate content. While most games are rated based on age appropriateness, some parents may not be aware of the content of the games their children are playing. This can lead to exposure to violence, sexual content, and other inappropriate themes.

In conclusion, video game consoles have a big impact on young people, both positive and negative. While they can be an enjoyable and engaging source of entertainment, they can also encourage aggressive behaviour, cause addiction, and expose children to inappropriate material. Parents need to be aware of the possible dangers posed by gaming consoles and take precautions to make sure their kids are playing age-appropriate games responsibly. By doing this, they may help their kids profit from gaming consoles while reducing any potential drawbacks.


  1. The Impact of Video Games | Sutter Health
  2. Research on the Influence of Video Games on Children’s Growth in the Era of New Media | Atlantis Press (
  3. Children and young people’s video game playing and literacy in 2021 | National Literacy Trust
  4. Video game playing increases food intake in adolescents: a randomized crossover study | The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition | Oxford Academic (